Used as a complementary aid and alternative medicine used alongside traditional treatment to help the body heal, recover and increase vitality. Varying from the thought of Western and contemporary medicine, homeopathic belief is deeply rooted in ancient medicine, particularly that from the East. Created in the 1790s by German doctor Samuel Hahnemann, homeopathic products are based around the idea that substances that cause particular symptoms can be used to cure said symptoms. While widely considered a placebo, there are various benefits to homeopathic remedies, and homeopathic products can be typically found in private healthcare practices, as well as pharmacies. Here at Easy Pharma, we stock a wide range of homeopathic remedies suitable for all ages and ailments. Note: homeopathic remedies should never be used in replacement of the treatment recommended by a qualified doctor.
Reduced Stress, Anxiety & Depression
The standard practice for treating mental distress is through the prescription of antidepressants and anxiety medicines. While these medicines are effective, they can cause other symptoms that may significantly affect the wellbeing of the patient, and may cause a dependency for emotional regulation. Homeopathic medicines, however, focus on treating problems at the source, opposed to medicinal dependency, and homeopathic practitioners examine the relationship between past emotional trauma and symptoms to tackle the root of a patient’s problems.
Assist in Losing Weight
Homeopathy can also be a useful tool in losing weight. Many countries have rising rates of obesity, which can cause strain on the body’s organs and can lead to disease later in life. Homeopathy suggests that the process of weight loss can be improved by tailoring a course of treatment to a patient’s specific needs, medical history, and biological requirements. Specific zones of fat can also be targeted, to better reduce a patient’s overall amount of bodily fat.
Helps to Improve Bodily Immunity
The central idea of homeopathy is about using trace amounts of substances that cause symptoms in order to equip the body with the ability to cure a patient’s symptoms. This approach claims to release these substances in order to build a resistance to the substance’s effects on the body, helping a patient to build up immunity, disease resistance, and anti-bodies.
Relief in Chronic Disease
Patients who may have exhausted their initial options for treatment may find themselves stuck in a corner without much hope for relief to their chronic pain or mental illness. Those who find that traditional medicine is ineffective may find results in homeopathy, where practitioners will approach treatment in a much more introspective manner. Of course, while those suffering from chronic disease report significantly positive results from homeopathy, it cannot be guaranteed to cure chronic ailments, and should never be used in replacement of allopathy.
While there are reported benefits to the use of homeopathy, it is never recommended to use homeopathy in replacement of allopathy, and it should only be used in conjunction with traditional medicine, or when allopathic remedies have been exhausted. We carry only the best brands like Adrien Gagnon, Divine Essence, Boiron and more.
You can find many homeopathic remedies right here on our website: